Common Length Conversions (inch to mm)

1/161.58753 1/482.559228.614 3/4374.65
1/83.1753 1/288.99 1/4234.9515 381
3/164.76253 3/495.259 1/2241.315 1/4387.35
1/46.354101.69 3/4247.6515 1/2393.7
5/167.93754 1/4107.951025415 3/4400.05
3/89.5254 1/2114.310 1/4260.3516406.4
7/1611.11254 3/4120.6510 1/2266.716 1/4412.75
1/212.7512710 3/4273.0516 1/2419.1
9/1614.28755 1/4133.3511279.416 3/4425.45
5/815.8755 1/2139.711 1/4285.7517 431.8
11/1617.46255 3/4146.0511 1/2292.117 1/4438.15
3/419.056152.411 3/4298.4517 1/2444.5
13/1620.63756 1/4158.7512 304.817 3/4450.85
7/822.2256 1/2165.112 1/4311.1518457.2
125.46 3/4171.4512 1/2317.518 1/4463.55
1 1/431.757177.812 3/4323.8518 1/2469.9
1 1/238.17 1/4184.1513330.218 3/4476.25
1 3/444.457 1/2190.513 1/4336.5519482.6
250.87 3/4196.8513 1/2342.919 1/4488.95
2 1/457.158203.213 3/4349.2519 1/2495.3
2 1/263.58 1/4209.5514 355.619 3/4501.65
2 3/469.858 1/2215.914 1/4361.9520508
376.28 3/4222.2514 1/2368.321533.4

Temperature Conversions (K, °C, °F & °R)

Kelvin (K)Celsius (°C)K – 273.15
Kelvin (K)Fahrenheit (°F)(K * 1.8) – 459.67
Fahrenheit (°F)Celsius (°C)(°F – 32) * 5/9
Fahrenheit (°F)Kelvin (°K)(°F + 459.67) / 1.8
Celsius (°C)Fahrenheit (°F)(°C * 1.8) + 32
Celsius (°C)Kelvin (°K)°C + 273.15
Rankin (°R)Celsius (°C)(°R – 491.67) * 5/9
Rankin (°R)Fahrenheit (°F)°R – 459.67
Rankin (°R)Kelvin (°K)°R * 5/9

Temperature Conversion Examples:

Convert 400 K to Degrees Celsius (°C) | 400K – 273.15 = 126.85 °C

Convert 350 K to Fahrenheit (°F) | (350K * 1.8) – 459.67 = 170.33 °F

Convert 125 °F to Degrees Celsius (°C) | (125 °F – 32) * 5/9 = 51.67 °C

Convert 50 °F to Kelvin (K) | (50 °F + 459.67) / 1.8 = 283.15 K

Convert 26 °C to Fahrenheit (°F) | (26 °C * 1.8) + 32 = 78.8 °F

Convert 95 °C to Kelvin (K) | 95 °C + 273.15 = 368.15 K

Convert 50 °R to Degrees Celsius (°C) | (50 °R – 491.67) * 5/9 = -245.37 °C

Convert 25 °R to Fahrenheit (°F) | 25 °R – 459.67 = -434.67 °F

Convert 120 °R to Kelvin (K) | 120 °R * 5/9 = 66.67 K

Other Units

Multiply the input I by the conversion factor C to get the output Y. Using the formula Y = IC

mile (mi)1.610kilometre (km)
yard (yd)0.914meter (m)
inch (in)0.0254metre (m)
inch (in)25.4millimetre (mm)
inch2 (in2 )645millimetre2 (mm2 )
foot (ft)0.305metre (m)
foot2 (ft2 )0.0929metre2 (m2 )
degree (angle)0.0174radians (rad)
ounce-force (oz)0.278newton (N)
once-mass0.0311kilogram (kg)
pound force (Ibf)4.45newton (N)
British thermal unit (Btu)1055joule (j)
Btu/second (Btu/s)1.05kilowatt (kW)
centimetre of mercury (0°C)1.333kilopascal (kPa)
mile/hour (mi/h)1.61kilometre/hour (km/h)
mile/hour (mi/h)0.447metre/second (m/s)
moment of inertia (Ibm.ft2)0.0421kilogram-metre2 (kg.m2)
moment of inertia (Ibm.in2)
293kilogram-millimetre2 (kg.mm2)
calorie4.19joule (J)


Newton’s second law of motion F = ma

Newton (N) = mass (kg) * 9.81 m/s2 (gravity)

1 N = 1 kg*m/s2

Example: A 350 kg block on the ground exerts a ( 350 kg * 9.81 m/s2 ) = 3433.5 N = 3.4 kN Force (Note 1 kN = 1000 N)